This information is provided for programmers.
Packets are stored in consecutive order in the capture.bin file, with each packet preceded by a header and filename.
The header is stored with the process filename (with null terminating character)
immediately following it, with the captured packet (of size dwBufsize)
immediately following the filename, which is in turn followed by the next header and packet, and so on.
DWORD headerID; //always
DWORD pid;
UCHAR sendrecv; //1
if sending 0 if receive
UCHAR protocol;
DWORD localaddr;
USHORT localport;
DWORD remoteaddr;
USHORT remoteport;
SPYTIME creation; //when
this packet was sent/recvd
USHORT bufsize; //length
of filedata
USHORT namesize; //length
of filename
DWORD footerID; //always
struct SPYTIME
unsigned day : 5;
//day from 1-31
unsigned month : 4;
//month from 1-12
unsigned year :
6; //2000 + whatever value
in here
unsigned hour : 5;
//hour from 0-23
minute : 6; //minute from 1-59
second : 6; //second from 1-59